Engage with top economists, researchers, and teachers—including Norton's award-winning authors—for thought provoking talks and student lectures throughout the academic year.
Hosted by Erin L. Scott (MIT) and Scott Stern (MIT)
Thursday, March 27th at 2pm EST
This webinar introduces the choice-oriented approach to entrepreneurship that shapes the authors’ new textbook, and key frameworks for mapping how entrepreneurs can effectively leverage their entrepreneurial ecosystem.
As the authors demonstrate in the book, founders exploring an idea face many alternatives that cannot be pursued at once, and so must make choices — about their beachhead customer, which technologies to pursue, their founding team, and their path to market.
Citing research from their university and their work with numerous ventures, Erin Scott and Scott Stern will present practical and grounded tools that allow founders to choose an entrepreneurial strategy and to identify how their choice of strategy shapes what ecosystem resources to prioritize. The authors will discuss how these tools can be used in the classroom and beyond to give students the foundations they need to move ideas from their heads to the marketplace.
Hosted by Carla Nietfeld
The date of this workshop has passed.
Economics departments are always interested in finding new ways to attract more students to the major, and it’s not well known how the content of principles-level courses shapes students’ perceptions of the subject and whether they stick with it.
Through a randomized control trial in Principles of Economics courses, Carla Nietfeld (Miami University of Ohio) and her colleagues expose students to economic examples that address issues of inequality and disadvantage – areas of apparent interest to women and underrepresented minority college students – and measure how this exposure affects students’ perceptions of economics.
In this webinar, Carla will present her team's initial findings – and in doing so, share ideas for how instructors can make small changes to the examples used in their classrooms to make a potentially large impact. Originally hosted February 21st, 2024.
Hosted by Cynthia Anderson and Mary Dwyer
The date of this workshop has passed.
In this 30-minute webinar, Norton Economics specialist Cynthia Anderson and Norton Economics Marketing Manager Mary Dwyer will walk through the approach of Entrepreneurship: Choice and Strategy by Joshua Gans, Erin Scott, and Scott Stern, and will provide a demonstration of the digital tools and resources available to support you and your students in case-based or project-based courses.
Hosted by Morgan Johnson and Mary Dwyer
The date of this workshop has passed.
WHal Varian’s Intermediate Microeconomics has long been revered for its short chapters, interesting examples, and its ability to speak to students in the voice of an elite economist. Now, the series welcomes new co-author Marc Melitz, who has updated the content and digital features—including the Norton Illumine Ebook and Smartwork online problem sets—for today’s students.
Join us for a tour of the new Interactive Activities in the Norton Illumine Ebook, which help students with some of the most challenging concepts, and a deep dive into Smartwork Online Problem sets, which offer rich feedback to develop problem-solving skills and experience.
These teaching and learning tools are easy to use for today's busy students, easy-to-assign for instructors.
Time will be allotted for questions at the end of the presentation.
Joshua Gans, Erin Scott, and Scott Stern have spent decades researching the choices and strategies that make entrepreneurs successful, and their book, Entrepreneurship: Choice and Strategy, is written to inspire students—all students—to build something great as a business. The resources available with the text bring the book's vivid examples and strategy tools into an engaging format for today's busy students, with easy-to-use functionality for instructors.
This webinar introduces the choice-oriented approach to entrepreneurship that shapes the authors’ new textbook, and key frameworks for mapping how entrepreneurs can effectively leverage their entrepreneurial ecosystem.
This webinar introduces the choice-oriented approach to entrepreneurship that shapes the authors’ new textbook, and key frameworks for mapping how entrepreneurs can effectively leverage their entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Norton Economics media editor, Meg Leary, and Norton Economics specialist, Julie Sindel, present on the digital teaching and learning tools available for intermediate and principles-level courses. This webinar explores the functionality and benefits of the Norton Illumine Ebook, Smartwork online homework, and InQuizitive adaptive learning tool. You will also see how these tools can integrate seamlessly with your LMS.
• Intermediate Microeconomics 10th Edition by Hal Varian and Marc Melitz • Macroeconomics 6th Edition by Chad Jones • Mateer and Coppock's Principles of Economics 4th Edition |
This webinar introduces a choice-oriented approach to entrepreneurship and a framework for mapping how entrepreneurs can effectively leverage their entrepreneurial ecosystem. Founders exploring an idea face many alternatives that cannot be pursued at once, and so must make choices – about their beachhead customer, which technologies to pursue, their founding team, and their path to market. Citing research from their university and beyond, Erin Scott and Scott Stern present a practical and grounded tool for navigating these decisions – the Entrepreneurial Strategy compass. This tool allows founders to choose an entrepreneurial strategy and also to identify how their choice of strategy shapes what ecosystem resources to prioritize. |
The nonrivalry of ideas gives rise to increasing returns--a fact celebrated in Paul Romer's recent Nobel Prize. One implication is that the long-run rate of economic growth is the product of the degree of increasing returns and the growth rate of research effort; this is the essence of semi-endogenous growth theory. One of the key revisions for the 6th edition of Chad Jones' Macroeconomics is an updated Romer model that captures this insight. In this talk, Jones explores the motivations behind the updates to his textbook, and applies his framework to the past and future of economic growth. |
“Teaching the New Monetary Policy Tools” Hosted by Lee Coppock Lee Coppock, Co-Author of Principles of Economics, 4th Edition, will presents his approach to teaching the Fed's new monetary policy tools. |
Two members of the Norton Economics team will walk instructors through how to get started with the assignable, digital resources for Mateer and Coppock's Principles of Economics, Fourth Edition, as well as the Norton Teaching Tools for the text. |
Using the research explored in their Norton Learning Blog post and their recent paper in SSRN, Dirk Mateer and Wayne Geerling will discuss the unique challenges posed by artificial intelligence and natural language processing models in the economics classroom. Informed by their decades of teaching the principles course, Dirk and Wayne will present ideas for adapting both instruction and assessments in ways that circumvent the tempting (but potentially harmful) shortcuts offered to students by AI. |
“Does Cryptocurrency Have a Future?” Hosted by Connel Fullenkamp, February 2023 Cryptocurrencies had an awful year in 2022, and their future doesn't look very bright. Prices crashed because of huge, unanticipated disasters such as the Terra collapse and the FTX bankruptcy, and these events also crushed many people's confidence in both crypto assets and decentralized finance. In addition, regulators around the globe are cracking down on cryptocurrencies and scrambling to keep them out of the mainstream financial system.
Many students are perplexed to see an environmental economics class in their course catalog, often saying, “Don’t economists only care about money? What could they possibly say about the environment?”. In fact, economics can say quite a lot—economics is all about balancing tradeoffs. For a question like what to do about climate change (where there are no easy answers), economics provides a framework for answering them. |
To a shocking degree, much of our public policy discourse neglects the most basic concepts in economics. For example, the public reaction to COVID-19 has been devoid of explicit discussion of the fundamental idea underlying economics: tradeoffs. Our tax code bears little resemblance to what basic public finance would suggest. The world is moving away from the free flow of goods, services, and labor (which, beginning around 1990, delivered the sharpest drop in global poverty in the history of human civilization). A generation of young people is advocating for "socialism" without much sense of what that term means and with little appreciation of the benefit of markets. |
“Are Ideas Getting Harder to Find?” Hosted by Charles Jones, March 2022 In many growth models, economic growth arises from people creating ideas, and the long-run growth rate is the product of two terms: the effective number of researchers and their research productivity. This talk presents a wide range of evidence from various industries, products, and firms showing that research effort is rising substantially while research productivity is declining sharply. Across a broad range of case studies at various levels of (dis)aggregation, Charles Jones will discuss how ideas—and in particular the exponential growth they imply—are getting harder and harder to find. Exponential growth results from the large increases in research effort that offset its declining productivity. |
"Economic Growth" Hosted by Lee Coppock, March 2021 Join Professor Lee Coppock (University of Virginia), coauthor of Principles of Macroeconomics, Third Edition, COVID-19 Update, for a lecture on economic growth, which will cover concepts from Chapter 11: Economic Growth and the Wealth of Nations. |
"Externalities and Public Goods" Hosted by Brian O'Roark, March 2021 Join Professor Brian O'Roark (Roger Morris University), coauthor of Essentials of Economics, Second Edition, for a lecture on externalities and public goods, which will cover concepts from Chapter 10: Government in the Economy. |
"Business Costs and Production" Hosted by Dirk Mateer, March 2021 Join Professor Dirk Mateer (University of Texas at Austin), coauthor of Principles of Microeconomics, Third Edition, COVID-19 Update, for a lecture on business costs and production, which will cover concepts from Chapter 8: Business Costs and Production. |
Widely praised as the most relatable textbook on the market, Mateer and Coppock’s Principles of Economics addresses the unique challenges today’s instructors and students face. In this webinar, Norton Economics Specialist Morgan Johnson and Norton Economics Marketing Manager Mary Dwyer will walk through the teaching and learning tools built alongside the text that offer unparalleled support and bring students’ problem-solving skills to life.
Using the research explored in their Norton Learning Blog post and their recent paper in SSRN, Dirk Mateer and Wayne Geerling will discuss the unique challenges posed by artificial intelligence and natural language processing models in the economics classroom. Informed by their decades of teaching the principles course, Dirk and Wayne will present ideas for adapting both instruction and assessments in ways that circumvent the tempting (but potentially harmful) shortcuts offered to students by AI. |
"Lee Coppock on Teaching the New Monetary Policy Tools" Hosted by Lee Coppock, November 2022 Lee Coppock (University of Virginia) discusses current monetary policy teaching. With all the recent changes in monetary policy, many instructors are curious about the best material to teach and how to relate the new tools to traditional monetary policy. Lee will share his approach which he has used in class since 2020. |
"Why Does Choice Matter in Entrepreneurship?" Hosted by Erin Scott and Scott Stern, October 2022 What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? Why do some fail while others succeed? Using two decades of award-winning research, working with hundreds of start-ups, and with more than a decade of classroom experience with potential entrepreneurs of all types, we have come to see the importance of choice in being an entrepreneur. This has led us to create and now use a new framework for success in the field, one that synthesizes, reconceptualizes and reorients practical and academic insights to teach the important choices facing new entrepreneurs. In our talk, we will discuss lessons we have learned from entrepreneurs like Melanie Perkins, Walt Disney, Lonnie Johnson, and Jeff Bezos. We will also introduce new tools and techniques, including tools for decision-making (Test Two Choose One) and a novel start-up strategy template (The Entrepreneurial Strategy Compass). |
Dirk Mateer (University of Texas at Austin) discusses the current state of economics teaching in this practical and interactive workshop. Find out how Dirk has adapted his Principles course including both low- and high-tech strategies. Dirk will feature stories with images, Kahoot!, and collaborative learning exercises to keep his course relatable. |
"Teaching COVID-19 in Your Economics Course" Hosted by Dirk Mateer and Lee Coppock, December 2020 Join Dirk Mateer and Lee Coppock, coauthors of Principles of Economics, Third Edition, COVID-19 Update, for a virtual workshop to learn how you can incorporate the economic changes brought on by the pandemic into your Spring principles course. Dirk and Lee will guide you through a number of modules they created to help instructors plug pandemic content directly into their presentations. |
"How I Learned to Love Teaching Online" Hosted by Hosted by Brian O'Roark, October 2020 Brian O'Roark, coauthor of Essentials of Economics, Second Edition, shares how he learned to love teaching online and tips for how you can too. In this workshop, Brian will cover topics including online course design; keeping students engaged and the incentive of assessment; stay engaged yourself; let your students see you in action; how to use music, movies and more; and taking it online with the ultimate Interactive Instructor's Guide. |
"Teaching Economics Online: An Interactive Workshop" Hosted by Diana Bajrami, July 2020 Diana Bajrami will demonstrate the effective integration of learning resources into learning management system (LMS) step-by-step to create seamless and intuitive course navigation as well as accessible course content. She will also share her experiences using InQuizitive and Smartwork in her principles of economics courses as robust formative and summative assessments, which both safeguard academic integrity and promote diversity in the field of economics. |
"Teaching Remotely Effectively" Hosted by Diana Bajrami, April 2020 Diana Bajrami, professor of economics at the College of Alameda, brings her tips and expertise from years of teaching both face-to-face and online in this practical and informative workshop. |
Professor Dirk Mateer (University of Texas at Austin) discusses the current state of economics teaching in this practical and applied workshop. Find out how Dirk has adapted his principles course using both low- and high-tech strategies. |
"Teaching Economics Online Effectively" Hosted by Diana Bajrami, June 2020 In this online workshop, Diana Bajrami, professor of economics at the College of Alameda, will draw from her experiences teaching online economics courses to discuss best practices for keeping students engaged by using innovative course design that scales up equitable student success. |
"Norton Economics—Transitioning to Online Teaching" Hosted by Brian O'Roark, March 2020 Norton's online tools provide two ways to engage your students in economics. InQuizitive provides students the opportunity to build knowledge and self-study in a formative, adaptive gamelike environment, and Smartwork online homework provides critical practice in solving the types of economic problems students need to answer on exams. |
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Image Credits: (Line and Dots) iStockPhoto.com/Ani_Ka; (Scott Photo) Photo by Darren Pellegrino; (Ho Photo) Karl Rabe / Vassar College; (Stern Photo) Scott Stern; (O'Roark) Jeffry Konczal Photography; (Coppock) Kara Coppock; (Mateer) Kara Coppock.