Join us for workshops from our award-winning chemistry educators and authors. We'll explore how to engage your students online and in the classroom, help you overcome common chemistry teaching challenges, and share insights from Chemistry Education Research. We hope you'll join us for our next workshop, or explore our recorded sessions below.
Hosted by Richard Jew
Tuesday, February 18th at 2pm ET
Join W. W. Norton's Content Development Specialist and former UNC Charlotte Undergraduate Coordinator and Smartwork user Richard Jew for a workshop on Smartwork for organic chemistry.
Richard will showcase how Smartwork can help your students become more successful in their organic course through easy-to-use drawing tools, multi-step mechanism and synthesis problems, and targeted hints and feedback.
Hosted by Richard Jew
Friday, February 7th at 1pm ET
Join Richard Jew, W. W. Norton's Chemistry Content Development Specialist, for a demo of Smartwork and the great features to expect in the new edition.
In this session, we'll cover:
-Our new Guided Inquiry ChemTours assignment that will help students understand complex concepts through sequential questions
-The flexible assignment types available: adaptive and static assignments
-Smarwork's Easy-to-use interface and tools
-Some of the great gradebook analytics and easy LMS integration of grades
Hosted by Joel Karty
The date of this workshop has passed.
Organic Chemistry is plagued by a significant achievement gap among students entering the course, and left unchecked, that achievement gap can lead to high DFW rates for underrepresented populations.
In this workshop, Joel Karty will take instructors through the three-pronged approach that he's adopted to promote equity in his Organic Chemistry courses: (1) A mechanistic organization, (2) A flipped classroom that incorporates videos embedded in the textbook for pre-class preparation, and Smartwork for in-class mechanism problems, and (3) specifications grading.
Hosted by Roger Miesfeld
The date of this workshop has passed.
In this workshop, Biochemistry author Roger Miesfeld will share strategies he has utilized at the University of Arizona to help his 800+ students recognize biochemistry in their everyday lives and maintain engagement throughout the course. Using active learning modules and multiple low-stakes assessments, Roger has developed effective teaching techniques applicable to online, hybrid, or in-person courses.
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The Norton Chemistry team is hosting a Chemistry Workshop Series the week of March 14th, and we’d love for you to attend! Join authors Joel Karty, Roger Miesfeld, and our Content Development Specialist, Richard Jew, for exciting demos and engaging talks for your general, organic, or biochemistry classes.
Hosted by Roger Miesfeld
The date of this workshop has passed.
In this workshop, Biochemistry author Roger Miesfeld will share strategies that he has employed at University of Arizona to help his 800+ students see biochemistry in the world around them and keep them engaged throughout the course through active learning modules and multiple low-stakes assessments. Whether you teach online, hybrid, or on-ground, Roger has teaching techniques that will apply to your course.
After Roger’s talk, we will demonstrate Smartwork, the online assessment that accompanies the Biochemistry text as well as the Molecular Exploration videos.
Hosted by Richard Jew
The date of this workshop has passed.
Join Richard Jew, W. W. Norton's Content Development Specialist, for a workshop on Smartwork online homework.
In this session, we'll cover:
• Flexible options: adaptive or static assignments
• Pre-made ChemTour Lab assignments
• Easy-to-use interface and tools
• Gradebook analytics and easy LMS integration of grades
• Low cost options with or without the ebook
Hosted by Joel Karty
The date of this workshop has passed.
In this workshop, W. W. Norton author Joel Karty will discuss the results he has seen in his classroom since moving to a mechanistic organization, as well as adopters of his text, especially in terms of attrition rates and his students’ ACS scores.
Joel will also answer your questions about moving to a mechanistic organization, and anything else you'd like to ask!
Hosted by Richard Jew
The date of this workshop has passed.
Join W. W. Norton's Content Development Specialist and former UNC Charlotte Undergraduate Coordinator and Smartwork user Richard Jew for a workshop on Smartwork for organic chemistry.
Richard will showcase how Smartwork can help your students become more successful in their organic course through easy-to-use drawing tools, multi-step mechanism and synthesis problems, and targeted hints and feedback.
Join Richard Jew, W. W. Norton's Chemistry Content Development Specialist, for a demo of Smartwork and the great features to expect in the new edition. In this session, we'll cover:
-Our new Guided Inquiry ChemTours assignment that will help students understand complex concepts through sequential questions
-The flexible assignment types available: adaptive and static assignments
-Smarwork's Easy-to-use interface and tools
-Some of the great gradebook analytics and easy LMS integration of grades
In this session, we'll cover flexible options: adaptive or static assignments, pre-made ChemTour Lab assignments, easy-to-use interface and tools, gradebook analytics and easy LMS integration of grades, and low cost options with or without the ebook. |
Join us! Smartwork for Organic Chemistry demo with Richard Jew and Stacy Loyal W. W. Norton's Chemistry Subject Matter Expert and former Smartwork user, Richard Jew, will cover: how our drawing tool encourages students to start structures and mechanism arrows from the right place, ways Smartwork helps students avoid unnecessary errors with our copy/paste feature, requisite arrow connection, and ring templates, and editing and creating your own questions.