Flexible student and instructor resources

The following digital resources are included with all new copies of the text or can be purchased standalone. Accessibility is at the core of all the products we create, with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), the most widely accepted voluntary international standard for accessibility, ensuring that all students can succeed in your course.

The Norton Illumine Ebook

Norton’s high-quality content shines brighter through engaging and motivational features that illuminate core concepts for all students in a supportive, accessible, and low-stakes environment.

  • NEW “Check Your Understanding” questions with answer-specific feedback at the end of each section to ensure students understand what they’ve read in one section before they move on to the next section.
  • NEW “Birds-eye View” Author Videos at the beginning of the chapters remind students of what they read in the previous chapter and introduce the web(s) of interaction that the upcoming chapter will cover.


Through a variety of question types featuring primary source documents, images, maps and videos, answer-specific feedback, and game-like elements such as the ability to wager points, students are motivated to keep working until they’ve mastered the concepts. Students can access their ebook from InQuizitive if they need help.

InQuizitive has been shown to help increase history students’ quiz scores by an average of 16 percentage points, in efficacy studies.

History Skills Tutorials

The History Skills Tutorials are interactive, online modules that support student development of the key skills for the world history course. With interactive practice assessments, helpful guiding feedback, and videos with author John McNeill, these tutorials teach students the critical analysis skills that they will put to use in their academic and professional careers. The tutorials for The Webs of Humankind focus on:

  • Analyzing Primary Source Documents
  • Analyzing Images
  • Analyzing Maps
  • Understanding Types of Evidence in World History

Primary Source and Map Exercises

To support the continued growth of students’ historical skills, The Webs of Humankind offers a series of brief, assignable Primary Source Exercises and Map Exercises to accompany every chapter of the book. Drawing directly from the key documents, visuals, and historical evidence in the textbook, these interactive exercises re-engage students with important content that they may have skipped in the reading and provide the opportunity for critical analysis practice every week of the semester.

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*A within-subject efficacy test designed by Dustin Tingley (Harvard) showed that InQuizitive can help increase history students’ quiz scores by 16 percentage points. Learn more.
Copyright © W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2021