Online drawing assessment that allows students to focus on organic chemistry

Smartwork Direct: Organic Chemistry is an independent online homework system created by chemists with organic chemistry students and their challenges in mind. Our innovative multistep drawing tool mirrors a paper-and-pencil experience, but with the benefits of specific hints and feedback so that students receive coaching in real time and instructors receive diagnostic data on student performance.

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Features of Smartwork Direct: Organic Chemistry

Multistep mechanism and synthesis problems

The question library contains over 3,500 total questions and 1,500 graded mechanism and synthesis multi-step problems.

Easy-to-use drawing, copy and paste, and ring template tools decrease student drawing errors

Multistep mechanism and synthesis problems are graded for each step and feedback is given for each step so that students know where they went wrong.

Classroom analytics in real time

Grades report directly to your LMS gradebook, while individual and class-wide performance reports help you see students’ progress, identify challenging concepts, and intervene with students who struggled with those concepts.

What Students and Instructors are Saying

“Smartwork guided me through the question if I was struggling. I liked how after getting the question correct the site still went into detail about the solution.”

— Student, UC Riverside

“This is a big improvement over previous online drawing tools. The green highlighting for the arrow destinations is a nice feature to limit students' options so that there is a visual cue with a concrete reason why their arrow isn't working. The copy option is especially useful.”

— Cari Meyer, Instructor, Los Angeles Pierce College

“I love Smartwork. After taking notes and learning the content, I don't always feel totally confident with all the content but after doing smartwork I am able to see what I need to focus a little more time on.”

— Student, Concordia University

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Organic Chemistry Teaching Blog

Image Credits: (Devices) iStockPhoto.com/lvcandy
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