Affordable options for your course

The History of Art: A Global View is available in two split volumes and in a combined volume, with both print and digital format options. All new copies of the text include access to the ebook, InQuizitive, the Student Site, and a suite of videos and animations, ensuring students receive a rich learning experience at a fair price.

The Best Value and Purchase Options for Your Students

Volume 1: Prehistory to 1500

Available in eBook, loose-leaf, and paperback with 180-day eBook access for $49.95

Volume 2: 1300 to the Present

Available in eBook, loose-leaf, and paperback with 180-day eBook access for $49.95

Combined Volume: Prehistory to the Present

Available in eBook and hardcover, with eBook access starting at $49.95 when purchased

Additional Savings Options

Package with Writing About Art

All three volumes of the text can be packaged with our writing guide for an additional $5 net.

Standalone access to InQuizitive and the digital learning package

Standalone access to InQuizitive, the Student Site, and the suite of videos and animations is available with all three volumes, starting at just $20 for 180 days of access.

Inclusive Access

Inclusive Access is a better way to deliver course materials to students. With our Inclusive Access program, every student has immediate access to their required course materials on the first day of class, giving them the best opportunity for success in your course. Inclusive Access is available at eligible campuses.

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