Motivate every student to think about, practice, and apply organic chemistry

Organic Chemistry: Principles and Mechanisms, Third Edition, continues to do more than any other text to help students focus on mechanisms throughout the text, media, and online homework package.

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Features of the Third Edition

Think, Solve, Try It

Think, Solve, Try It approach promotes active reading, problem-solving practice, and immediate application of the concepts. The new two-column format provides scaffolding to help students apply critical thinking skills to solving organic chemistry problems.

Recall and Looking Ahead

New in-text cross-references, Recall and Looking Ahead, help students refer back to concepts where they were introduced and forward to where they will be further applied. These features also help instructors who haven’t previously taught with a mechanistic organization, illuminating connections across chapters.

New videos

Over Over 80 NEW videos on elementary mechanisms and problem-solving in organic chemistry are integrated in the ebook and assignable in Smartwork.

About the Author

Joel Karty earned his B.S. in chemistry at the University of Puget Sound and his Ph.D. at Stanford University. He carried out postdoctoral work with Stephen Craig at Duke University, and began teaching at Elon University in the fall of 2001, where he currently holds the rank of full professor. At Elon, Joel teaches primarily the organic chemistry sequence, general chemistry, and physical chemistry.

In the summers, he teaches an organic chemistry preparatory course as part of the Summer Biomedical Sciences Institute sponsored by the Duke University School of Medicine. His research interests include studying the contributions by resonance and inductive effects in fundamental chemical systems, and he also investigates the mechanism for pattern formation in periodic precipitation reactions (such as the Liesegang phenomenon).

What Students and Instructors are Saying

“The advantages to Joel’s text are numerous, but mainly it is the idea that with these ten elementary steps, they can solve any problem they see in the future. It also gets them to push arrows and try things out without trying to memorize how a mechanism works.”

— Nicholas Greco, Western Connecticut State University

“I appreciated how complex concepts were clearly broken down and explained throughout the text.”

— Student, Metropolitan State University Denver

“I really like the two column Solved Problems approach. I think the format is very effective and will help students learn to think through the problems and how to solve them critically.”

— Rebecca Laird, University of Iowa

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