The #1 U.S. history text with inclusive new coverage and improved support for student readers

Give Me Liberty! delivers an authoritative, concise, and integrated introduction to American history. In the Seventh Edition, Eric Foner welcomes acclaimed scholars Kathleen DuVal and Lisa McGirr as co-authors. Together, they have enhanced coverage of Native American history with an emphasis on how it refines our understanding of freedom—the book’s urgent guiding theme.

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Features of the Seventh Edition

New coverage of Native Americans’ continuing struggles for freedom

New coauthors DuVal and McGirr oversaw a revision of the coverage of Native American history throughout the book, emphasizing how the arcs of Native sovereignty, dispossession, and resilience refine our understanding of freedom’s promises and limits. This updated coverage is amplified by new primary documents and author videos.

New tools help students build their confidence working with primary sources and get the most from the reading

The NEW Norton Illumine Ebook features Check Your Understanding questions that help ensure students grasp key points as they read along with interactive, skill-building resources that help students build confidence working with primary source documents and images in the text.

Assessment and support materials designed to support equity-minded teaching

The inclusive narrative revision is matched by a NEW suite of resources offering tips and support for creating a more inclusive U.S. history course. Designed by historian Trinidad Gonzales, these resources help instructors embrace equity-minded principles in (re)designing, teaching, and reflecting on their teaching, and include support for using the Give Me Liberty! resource package to promote student success.

About the Authors

Eric Foner

Eric Foner is DeWitt Clinton Professor Emeritus of History at Columbia University. In his teaching and scholarship, he focuses on the Civil War and Reconstruction, slavery, and nineteenth-century America.

Kathleen DuVal

Kathleen DuVal is Bowman & Gordon Gray Professor of History at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she teaches early American history. Her research focuses on how various Native American, European, and African people interacted from the sixteenth through the early nineteenth centuries.

Lisa McGirr

Lisa McGirr is Professor of History at Harvard University. She specializes in the history of the twentieth-century United States. Her research and teaching interests bridge the fields of social and political history and focus on collective action, state building, reform movements, and politics.

What Instructors are Saying

“This is the best single narrative of American history for students, written in a clear, accessible way, generously illustrated throughout with relevant images and useful maps and diagrams that greatly enhance the text and learning experience.”

—Dr Sergio Lussana, Nottingham Trent University

“Eric Foner’s Give Me Liberty is well-written, informative, and engaging. The support and resources on the accompanying Norton website are superb. I continue to be impressed with the quality of this text year after year. ”

—Katherine Sharp Landdeck, Texas Woman’s University

Give Me Liberty is a well-researched survey level text with an approachable narrative and relatable theme: ‘freedom.’ The level of detail in the text is more informative than many survey level textbooks, and the writing challenges students’ assumptions about U.S. history and prompts them to think more critically about it.”

—Teresa Hall, Central Piedmont Community College

The best value and options for any teaching style

The Seagull Edition

The compact, low-price, full-color Seagull Edition offers the same text and document features as the Full Edition with the essential maps, illustrations, and pedagogy.

Prices starting at just $38.95 for ebook access.

The Brief Edition

The full-color Brief Edition is 30% shorter than the Full Edition and includes all of the document features and text pedagogy.

Prices starting at just $45.95 for ebook access.

The Full Edition

The accessible, large-format Full Edition features the complete text with all features and a full visual program.

Price starting at just $55.95 for ebook access.

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Image Credits: (Foner) Erin Silber Photography; (DuVal) Photo by Kristen Chavez, UNC-Chapel Hill College of Arts & Sciences; (McGirr) Photo by Tony Rinaldo
Copyright © W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2022