1 RHETORIC / Join the Conversation
- 1. Listening
- 2. Thinking Rhetorically
- 3. Engaging Respectfully with Others
- 4. Developing Academic Habits of Mind
2 READING / Get the Message
- 5. Reading to Understand, Engage & Respond
- 6. Recognizing Facts, Misinformation & Lies
3 WRITING / Make Your Point
- 7. Writing Processes
- 8. Arguing
- 9. Analyzing
- 10. Reporting
- 11. Narrating
- 12. Summarizing & Responding
- 13. Writing in Multiple Modes
4 RESEARCH / Find Out
- 14. Starting with Questions, Finding Sources
- 15. Evaluating Sources, Checking Facts
- 16. Building an Annotated Bibliography
- 17. Synthesizing Ideas
- 18. Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing
- 19. Giving Credit, Using Sources Ethically
- 20. MLA Style
- 21. APA Style
5 LANGUAGE & STYLE / Get Attention
- 22. Getting & Keeping Attention
- 23. Writing Great Sentences
- 24. Mixing Languages & Dialects
6 DESIGN / Make an Impression
- 25. Designing What You Write
- 26. Using Visuals
7 MEDIA / A Portfolio
- 27. Print
- 28. Oral
- 29. Digital
- 30. Social