Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Norton Critical Edition Speakers Series Event”

Hosted by Phillip Mallett and Jane Thomas


Join Phillip Mallett (University of St. Andrews) and Jane Thomas (University of Hull) for a discussion of why Thomas Hardy's novels, particularly TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES, have endured as often taught and read collections! In the second half of the hour, audience members are invited and encouraged to ask questions in an open Q&A with Professors Mallett and Thomas. Everyone is welcome and registrants will receive a recording of the event.

PHILLIP MALLETT is Honorary Senior Lecturer in English at the University of St Andrews, a Vice-President of the Thomas Hardy Society, and an honorary fellow of both the Centro Universitario di Studi Vittoriani e Edoardiani and the French Association for Thomas Hardy Studies. He was the Editor of the Thomas Hardy Journal from 2008-2018. His published work includes Rudyard Kipling: a Literary Life (2003), eight edited collections of essays, including Thomas Hardy in Context (Cambridge UP, 2013) and The Victorian Novel and Masculinity (Palgrave, 2015), as well as Norton Critical Editions of The Return of the Native and The Mayor of Casterbridge, and editions of Under the Greenwood Tree and Flora Thompson’s Lark Rise to Candleford for Oxford World’s Classics.

JANE THOMAS is Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Hull. She is a VicePresident of the Thomas Hardy Society and was for over a decade the Society’s Academic Director. Her publications include Thomas Hardy, Femininity and Dissent: Reassessing the ‘Minor’ Novels (Palgrave, 1999); Thomas Hardy and Desire: Conceptions of the Self (Palgrave, 2013); and editions of Hardy’s The Well-Beloved with The Pursuit of the Well-Beloved, A Changed Man and Other Stories, and Life’s Little Ironies. She has also written on Thomas Hardy and the visual arts, with special reference to the sculpture of Hamo Thornycroft, on Hardy and the Boer War, and on Hardy and masculinity. She is co-editor with Sue Kennedy of British Women’s Writing, 1930-1960: Between the Waves (Liverpool University Press, 2020).

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