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A breakthrough for interactive learning in psychology for under $40

Interactive Psychology: People in Perspective is the result of four award-winning teachers teaming up to create an evidence-based way for today's students to learn psychology. Their interactive ebook engages students in foundational concepts and helps them experience psychology and apply it to their own lives through a fully interactive experience.

The authors encourage students to see themselves and others from multiple perspectives with the goal of building empathy and understanding. This groundbreaking ebook is available from Norton starting at $39.95.

Try Chapter 15: Social Psychology

188 interactives empower students to experience psychology

Students move between explanations in the text and interactive figures which demonstrate a concept, build understanding, and help students apply the concept to their own lives.

Chunked study units improve students’ reading comprehension and study skills

Each chapter is composed of 18-25 modular Study Units that cognitively “chunk” the material to help students learn, remember, and self-assess. Each Study Unit is followed by a Check Your Understanding question for integrated assessment with answer-specific feedback.

Built with accessibility in mind

Guidance from Norton's in-house Accessibility team was a key part of our work at every stage of the development process, optimizing access to the materials consistent with the latest version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1)**.

Meet the authors

James J. Gross, Stanford University
Toni Schmader, University of British Columbia
Bridgette Martin Hard, Duke University
Adam K. Anderson, Cornell University
Beth Morling, University of Delaware, Guest Co-Author

Evidence-based teaching tools curated by an award-winning author team

including Bridgette Martin Hard, a leading researcher exploring the intersection of psychology and pedagogy. Dr. Hard also co-organizes and contributes to two conferences for psychology teachers: the Psychology One Conference and the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP).


A research-backed interactive learning tool developed by a cognitive psychologist.

Interactive 3D Brain

A 3D brain, included in the ebook, is available for classroom demonstration and as a student study aid.

Teaching Resources

In addition to a test bank and several varieties of PowerPoint slides, an Interactive Instructor's Guide is available for instructors. It includes video suggestions, video suggestions, discussion questions, chapter summaries, activities for the classroom, and more.

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Copyright © W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2020

**Certain limitations on accessibility are inherent in the nature of the interactives and cannot be fully overcome. In Chapter 4, “Sensation and Perception,” for example, users with certain sensory impairments may be unable to experience the optical illusions or subtle auditory alterations that are otherwise conveyed by the simulation. Because these limitations are not currently capable of technological resolution, we provide detailed explanation of the phenomena in surrounding text or in accessible alternatives such as alt text. Most important: none of the interactives will ever prevent a student from proceeding or learning.