Smartwork Direct : Online homework for the way you teach

Smartwork Direct is the most flexible textbook-independent online homework system for general chemistry. Its diverse set of chemistry-specific problem types coach students with hints, animations, and answer-specific feedback. Problems can be organized around your course materials—edited to suit your needs—and adaptive assignments create individualized learning pathways based on each student’s understanding of the material. Starting at $35 per term or $60 for 720 days.

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Problems written by chemistry instructors with chemistry-specific tools

Smartwork Direct allows instructors to choose from more than 4,500 visual, drawing, chemical equation, and numeric problems, which are automatically graded. Every problem has been written by general chemistry instructors, has been thoroughly class tested, and includes answer-specific feedback and hints when students need them. Students are given a consistent problem-solving strategy that guides them as they work, and tutorial problems break down difficult concepts by defining steps and processes.

Additional features include:

Animations help students visualize chemistry online and in class

ChemTour and Stepwise animations are included with access to Smartwork Direct. ChemTour animations include images, animations, closed captioning, and audio that demonstrate dynamic processes and help students visualize and understand chemistry at the molecular level.

Easy course setup and customization

Instructors can create a course that matches their resources in a matter of minutes. They have the option to select premade assignments curated by an instructor using similar resources, making course setup a snap. In addition, they can choose to modify the content with our easy-to-use editor to reflect the language and notation used in class. Adopters may edit any of the problems, hints, feedback, and premade assignments to fit their course.

Both adaptive and traditional assignments help students master learning objectives

Smartwork Direct offers instructors more ways to help students achieve mastery. The adaptive functionality guides each student through personalized pathways with hints, feedback, and animations. Struggling students who need more practice receive targeted attention and remediation, while higher-performing students can quickly move on to tackling more challenging problems.

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